A Wild(life) World

Wildlife, nature, animals, they have always fascinated me. From my childhood I’ve been raised close to the environment, well literally. While I was in Assam(India) in a town, I lived in a bungalow with my own fruits patches and hen and ducks 🙂 (sadly no dog).

Even when I had shifted to Mumbai, my house, and around it (It was a flat, apartment) was full of little pots, and big ones right outside, with big parks and lots of tree cover (a rare sight for Mumbai actually).

I grew up to be a caring person. I care about people around me, I care about our environment, I scold my friends who throw plastic just randomly (yes they scold me back, but hey! stop). I don’t irritate anyone, but in my own little way, try to make as much of a difference as I can.

It’s almost sad to hear of species becoming extinct, endangered. It’s sad because it’s their world too. They have an equal right to inhabiting them as us, we are thieves.  We take what we need, but go on taking what we want, and then, all hell breaks loose.

Therefore, I feel we should all do our little bit, talk to others about it, tell them, make our own little actions count. It is because, millions of drops that make an ocean, millions of tiny actions, can change the course of time!

I would like to share this video with all of you

We MUST remember that:

Each species on our planet plays a role in the healthy functioning of natural ecosystems, on which humans depend.

– William H. Schlesinger


Also, I would like to share another picture with you all, something related to one of the projects I’m working on:

Can be found here: http://9gag.com/gag/4326751

36 responses to “A Wild(life) World

  1. I love your collection of critters, especially that little chipmunk. I don’t know what it is about chipmunks that I find so endearing. They are just so darned cute, I guess. Of course, all animals are wonderful in their own way. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  2. It’s no surprise to me that your exposure to the natural world created the aware, nurturing person that you are. Thank you for sharing your beautiful nature photos.

  3. Great post and really beautiful pictures!!
    I think many people who especially have photo blogs, most of them try to protect the natur. We all should protect our environment – we all want to shoot our beautiful photos as long as possible!

    Sunelly Sims

  4. The white tiger is stunning. beautiful pictures as always. I have a cat, and I baby it too much, other than that, I hope others who live near such beauty baby those creatures living around them the same way.

  5. It is because, millions of drops that make an ocean, millions of tiny actions, can change the course of time! Wise words. Important words. We all do have a role to play.

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