25 responses to “Thank you for sending in your photos/poetry

  1. Pingback: Inspired Kreativity – Be a part! | Manipal's Photo Blog·

  2. Hey! I saw that you liked my pic I posted I am interested in submitting work I am curious if my work stays strictly on the site or do you post/ print anywhere else. Expect an email from me soon

  3. Please see my songs at http://lynleahz.com/2012/06/04/songspoems-ive-written/ There is one poem, which is not a song, and it is already published in one of my books..the webpage tells you which one that is (if just for once is the name of it). Let me know what you think, please. Thanks! And thanks for the like on my Micha’el Ben David post. Please refer people to that page so we can support him by spreading the word around about his anointed music/singing. Thanks so much, and may Yveh bless you!

  4. I’d be honored to include a photo or post in your blog. I thinkg my most recent entry, for instance, would fit well with your new, exciting endeavor.

    Wishing you the best,


  5. Pingback: Fantastic Blog …take a look | baarbaarathesheep·

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